0471-2781400    sainikschooltvm@gmail.com


Being a cadet of Sainik School Kazhakootam he/ she may be awarded with scholarship/ assistance by State Govt or Ministry of Defence.  At present the following scholarship/ assistance is being award to the following categories.

Sl No

Type of scholarship

Documents to be submitted for claim of scholarhip/ assistance


Kerala Govt Merit scholarship


(Only Kerala domiciled cadets are eligible)

  1. Application for scholarship
  2. Domicile Certificate
  3. Date of Birth Certificate
  4. Agreement
  5. Bond

Kerala Govt scholarship based on parental income


(Only Kerala domiciled cadets are eligible)

  1. Application for scholarship
  2. Domicile Certificate
  3. Date of Birth Certificate
  4. Agreement
  5. Bond
  6. Income certificate of both parents (Part-I to Part IV)

Kerala Govt SC scholarship


(Only Kerala domiciled SC cadets are eligible)

  1. Application for scholarship
  2. Domicile Certificate
  3. Date of Birth Certificate
  4. Agreement
  5. Bond
  6. Caste certificate
  7. Copy of passbook of student (for DBT)

Kerala Govt ST scholarship


(Only Kerala domiciled ST cadets are eligible)

  1. Application for scholarship
  2. Domicile Certificate
  3. Date of Birth Certificate
  4. Agreement
  5. Bond
  6. Caste certificate
  7. Copy of passbook of student (for DBT)

Kerala Govt OEC scholarship


(Only Kerala domiciled OEC cadets are eligible)

  1. Application for scholarship
  2. Domicile Certificate
  3. Date of Birth Certificate
  4. Agreement
  5. Bond
  6. Caste certificate
  7. Income certificate
  8. Copy of passbook of student (for DBT)

Defence Scholarship


(Ward of serving / ex-service person upto the rank of JCO is eligible)

  1. Application for scholarship
  2. Serving certificate
  3. Certificate from District Sainik Welfare Officer regarding eligibility as Ex-Serviceman
  4. Copy of Ex-servicemen Identity card issued by Zilla Sainik Board and copy of Discharge Book.

Note:- documents i.e. Serving/Ex-service certificate is to be submitted at the beginning of every academic year.


Other State scholarship

  1. Request letter along with necessary Govt order released by concerned State Govt for the award of scholarship.
  2. Certificates as demanded in the Govt Order.

Note:- The school will only provide administrative support for the claim of scholarship. Therefore, the school does not guarantee the grant of any scholarship. It is the responsibility of the parent to submit required documents well in time to claim the scholarship from the concerned department or State Govt.







  • Sainik School Kazhakootam,
    Sainik School PO,
    Thiruvananthapuram - 695 585
    Reception : 0471-2781400
    Office : 0471-2781405
  • Vistors Count : 227999
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