0471-2781400    sainikschooltvm@gmail.com

New Admission



Download instructions: Offline Round

1.  Medical examination of candidates offered admission vide offline counselling will be conducted on 18 Oct 2024 (Friday).  Venue for medical examination will be "Office of Supdt, Govt Medical college Kalamassery, Ernakulam''.  You are required to produce your ward along with duly filled (application number, family details, personal medical history, vaccination, declaration) proforma, made available at e-counselling portal.  You are required to make own arrangements for the stay for two to three days in case the Medical Examination and admission process is not completed on the scheduled date/s.

2.  While reporting at the medical examination Centre, candidates are required to produce the following test reports from a Govt institution for the following:-

    1. Pure Tone Audiogram test for hearing. (to be done from a Govt hospital)
    2. Vision Test (mention power of glass in the case of using spectacles).
    3. Urine examination (Appearance, Albumin, Sugar, Sp. Gravity)
    4. Blood examination (Hb gm%)
    5. Chest X-ray 

3.  Candidates are required to stick on to medical examination schedule without fail.  Request for change of dates shall not be entertained. 

4.  Candidates who are declared ‘medically fit for admission’ by the medical board is only eligible for admission.  Documents as per check list promulgated vide e-counselling portal needs to be submitted at the school office on the day of document verification .  Authenticity of digitally signed documents will be verified.  Parents are requested to verify the documents themselves to check the correctness of such certificates.  Discrepancies, if any, found in any document should be cleared within the stipulated time. 

5.  All candidates are required to pay minimum one quarter of fee (first instalment) on the day of document verification (19 Oct 2024, Saturday)Payment of fee is to be made in the form of DD only (no cash/bank transfer will be accepted).  DD drawn from a nationalized bank, drawn in favour of ‘The Principal, Sainik School Kazhakootam’, payable at Trivandrum shall only be accepted.  Detailed fee structure of the school for the academic session 2024-25 is available at the school website for ready reference.


                                                                                                                             DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED : 2024-25

(Candidates who have been allotted with School Roll Number are to submit all documents as mentioned in the checklist without fail)


  • Sainik School Kazhakootam,
    Sainik School PO,
    Thiruvananthapuram - 695 585
    Reception : 0471-2781400
    Office : 0471-2781405
  • Vistors Count : 228002
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