0471-2781400    sainikschooltvm@gmail.com



1. Col Dhirendra Kumar assumed appointment as Principal of Sainik School Kazhakootam w.e.f. 25 Aug 2021.

2. He is a P.G. & M Phil holder from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is also B.Ed,NET & JRF qualified. He has been posted at various Army Establishments, Training Centres and devotedly worked in enhancing educational qualification of Army Personnel.

3. Col Dhirendra Kumar for his exceptional contribution to the organization and exhibiting dedication and devotion towards his duties has been awarded with VCoAS Commendation Card in 2012 and again GOC in C Commendation Card in 2016.

4. Col Dhirendra Kumar has experience of serving in Sainik School, he had served as Vice Principal in Sainik School Balachadi for 3 years. During his tenure, there was a marked improvement in academic and NDA results.

5. Col Dhirendra Kumar is happily married to Mrs. Priyanka Singh who is a graduate in Economics and also holds an MBA Degree. The couple has a daughter, Agrima Singh who is studying in Class XI.

  • Sainik School Kazhakootam,
    Sainik School PO,
    Thiruvananthapuram - 695 585
    Reception : 0471-2781400
    Office : 0471-2781405
  • Vistors Count : 196214
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